Last weekend I had been receiving berita kematian orang terdekat. 1st mom to my kawan, she had been sick quite a long time with diabetes, been to dialysis centre every alternate days in week and this news was not surprising due to her condition. Semoga dicucuri rahmat ke atas rohnya dan ditempatkan di kalangan orang-orang yang beriman. Amin.
2nd news was my hubby's cousin on late night of Sunday. This one quite mengejut because she was quite young, early 30's. So we went to her Grandma's house in Negeri Sembilan where the funeral will be held on the next morning.
Being to funeral definitely gave me a big lesson and peringatan. Few points as reminder to me:
1) I have been saving for my future life in hope that I don't have to work anymore when I was old. What I consider old? 40's, 50's? and what is the average life of a person? 60's? So I will have enjoying my hardworking money/saving for 10 to 20 years only and if I'm lucky for good 30-40 year. That I will dead at my 80's... Haiya so long to wait....and not in good condition to enjoy the saving.....dah tua...then go to my 2nd point...
2) What I almost forgot in my life, I have not been saving for longer life in liang lahad. Lama tu nak tunggu kiamat and hari dibangkitkan....and what do I have to prepare for it? Masyaallah....selama nie aku lalai....make preparation for shorter life period but forgot about the longer one....Aku mesti berazam untuk ready for longer preparation walaupun betapa susah....
3) Been watching makcik-makcik menyediakan peralatan untuk mengkafan, dan memandikan jenazah....and terdetik di hati betapa aku tiada ilmu mengenai fardu kifayah ini....will i let other people to do for my mother or sisters when their time come?
4) Our cousin meninggal kerana sesak nafas. From story I heard, so had resigned weeks earlier and went back to kampung to get some forever she is. From many cousins she is the significant one to me due to suara sengau that she had. Rupa-rupanya I just got to know that she had heart condition from small and had operation before. Her condition was not that good when she was in her grandma's house where she had fever and cannot eat. She puke every time she ate. And she died when the phone still at her hand telling her father in KL that she cannot breath. So the description of her death and serene face of her is still hanging on my head. A reminder to me when the time come you cannot run of give any excuse.
5) I'm so sad and regret on abundance of Malay ghost movie in cinema, some doing the comedy out of the death. I feel that it is a mockery to the death sedangkan they should know that kematiann itu pasti dan panjang dan kehidupan itu hanya sementara dan pendek masanya....
Dulu emak selalu melarang melawat kematian...baginya its taboo, kena mandi untuk hilangkan taboo bila balik dari melawat kematian, agaknya dipengaruhi dengan cita-cita hantu etc....bila dah besar nie....saya tahu fahamannye silap.....Kematian memberi satu peringatan besar and as long as other kematian orang yang saya kenali, I will go and visit coz I want to be reminded until my time come.
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