Sunday, June 13, 2010

Unexpexted Pleasant at a Place You least Expexted IT

I want to tell you about Yogyakarta, the latest place I had been with my friends...

I went there without any expectation, just another Indonesia city, must be like Bali. Yes..the environment is like Bali, with padi field, business butsling anywhere and people working as hard as their lives is...But unlike Bali, Yogyakarta is mostly Muslim. Suprisingly two Unesco site of Buddha Temple (Borobudur) and Hindu' Temple (Prambanan) are here but of course their functions are non-active temple.

I really wanted to see volcano. From flight I had seen the peek of the mountains above the clouds and its really spectacular. Then I saw the volcano peek with smoke coming's double spectacular....

So we went to Ketep Pass, the look out point for Merapi Volcano. But cloud was so thick that we can't see any mount except for the reminder the the active mount is there awaiting for the exact time for awakening. But the view is spectacular and with my SLR, I managed to take pictures of village around the area.

Next post...the city of the people dwelling

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