Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Happening City of Yogyakarta

I loved this city...or maybe I alwaz fall in live with any city that I visited. It's just all this places is not as what as I imagined and with expectation and surprises, I fall in love with this city.

Yogyakarta for me is clean, even back alley, shop lots corridor, market and even at their home, they are clean.
It is one of very safe city. I can walk with my girlfriends in the middle of night without being afraid of our safety. You also can see that all motorists can leave their helmets at their parking bikes without being afraid it will be stolen out.

And even better their people is so humble and nice, so far from my expectation or is it I have been exposed to much to the exaggerated description of the Indonesian people.

Another surprisingly thing is the activity of the city itself. For example, Jalan Malioboro the busiest street , the activity started even very early in the morning, the street is bustling with people and so alive at day as well as at night. The stall selling the souvenir close at 10.00pm and the place is replaced with arrays of food stall which the mat being layed and you have to sit like Japanese style to enjoy your food. It's so unique and I don't' feel oblique to eat together with other Yogyakarta people especially it's clean and enjoyable.

I'll talk some more of the city planning....

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Unexpexted Pleasant at a Place You least Expexted IT

I want to tell you about Yogyakarta, the latest place I had been with my friends...

I went there without any expectation, just another Indonesia city, must be like Bali. Yes..the environment is like Bali, with padi field, business butsling anywhere and people working as hard as their lives is...But unlike Bali, Yogyakarta is mostly Muslim. Suprisingly two Unesco site of Buddha Temple (Borobudur) and Hindu' Temple (Prambanan) are here but of course their functions are non-active temple.

I really wanted to see volcano. From flight I had seen the peek of the mountains above the clouds and its really spectacular. Then I saw the volcano peek with smoke coming's double spectacular....

So we went to Ketep Pass, the look out point for Merapi Volcano. But cloud was so thick that we can't see any mount except for the reminder the the active mount is there awaiting for the exact time for awakening. But the view is spectacular and with my SLR, I managed to take pictures of village around the area.

Next post...the city of the people dwelling

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

I Dream of ....

It's strange, I dream of registering to perform hajj. It's twice I had that dreams and each with different person. It's strange because I'm not the one who pay attention to dreams but these dreams make me ponder because:

1) I'm not really religious person. I pray but there are times that I missed
2) I always wanted to go there but always feel that I' am still not ready especially with kind of life that I'm having now

So with this dreams I wonder if I might have a change to touch the holy land. I goggled and try to find interpretation of the dream. Many interpret the hajj dream of "being there". One site interpret if you

"Dream of seeing a lot of people go hajj and dressed all in white. That is, virtue as we do will work. Can we also are reminded to act more sensibly and wisely"

There is also interpretation if dream of doing hajj in hajj season, it's means a good thing but if it's outside the hajj season, it's not a good thing. Bumb.... mine is not really performing it but planning for it.

Besides my pondering mind the pass 1 week, there is advantages; I'm started goggling different thing.

Just now I read about

"The Qibla of the Quba mosque was, at first, towards Jerusalem, until Allah (swt) commanded His Messenger to pray towards the Ka'bah, so they wished to rebuild the mosque and the Prophet(pbuh) came to them and marked the Qiblah and participated with them in the building of it".


Anyway...regardless of this dreams, I pray... one day I can touch the holy land. I travel quite a lot but this is one place that is still pending, awaiting for the time....